Finding a high-quality turf is crucial to giving your grass the most favorable possible start. The proper way to lay it is an excellent thing to invest in! It is important to start turfing near me as soon as possible following delivery, as it will not last for long. It is recommended to have it delivered to a shaded area when the weather is hot and ensure that you keep it hydrated.
Laying Turf
If you haven’t yet completed the process, then get your pre-turfing fertiliser’starter’ in prior to laying the turf. If not, apply it within a couple of days after the laying.
Begin by rolling out and then laying the first row in order to create your border. Once you reach the end , cut off the excess material and, if you can, make use of it to begin with the second row. If the border has curves or contours make use of an angled knife, or gardening cutter to cut a rough outline. Once the turf has grown you can add the final smooth edge using an edging tool that is half moon.
Lay out the first row. Cut off any excess at the bottom.
When the first row is laid out, place the scaffolding board on top to serve as an access point. This also has the benefit of tamping the turf down to ensure the best soil contact.
Utilize a scaffold board create an alternative walkway.
Consecutive rows can be developed as shown in the sequence of diagrams. Remember to place the turf rolls in a staggered fashion similar to bricks in the wall. The sides and butt ends of the turf rolls should be positioned close to one another and ensure that the gaps aren’t too large and that there isn’t any overlap. Planks or boards will also be required to create walkways.
When you have rows built up, you can add more boards to walkways.
If the turf exceeds 50m2 or took longer than a couple of hours it might have begun drying. If this is the case, start watering using the hose or sprinkler while you lay the remainder of the turf.
Once the job is done, water thoroughly the lawn. Keep it watered daily for the first two weeks. It will take between 5 and 10 minutes to sprinkle the lawn in each area. In the next, depending on the weather, watering may be decreased to 2 to 4 times per week for three weeks, with a time of approximately 15 minutes in each location. As you enter the sixth week, you can regularly water your lawn until the final day three months. If the weather does get very dry, then you must increase the amount of watering, since the turf won’t develop deep roots for at least the month six.
Filling Joins
When one section of turf meets another, there is some gaps. Sometimes these gaps are huge enough to insert a finger into and will eventually result in drying of the turf edges in the short run and some bumps in the grass later. Once the turf is settled and has begun to root, you can use leftover top soil or newly bought sterilized (no seeds of weeds) loam. Fill the gaps with a gentle applying it and rubbing it in.
New turf should be cut when it’s needed. It could be as early as 10-14 days after laid if the weather is hot. Be aware that roots will be thin, so cut slowly in dry conditions, using fresh sharpened blades. The height of the mowing should be on the higher side in the initial half dozen cuts.
A freshly turfed lawn may begin to be used around week four during the season of growth. In colder weather, it may take longer , so make sure you examine if the edge or corner of turf can be lifted by pulling upwards over the grass. If it’s securely glued then it’s time to start enjoying the grass. Similar to seed, you should use it slowly to start with and gradually progress to regular use in the next two months.
Services for Feeding, Lawn and Garden Care
Introduce a normal feeding schedule after 3 months. Remember that your lawn is young and spongy, so make sure you have the best soil moisture levels.
It is not recommended to apply liquid fertilizers or ferrous sulfurate until the lawn is six months old and you should not be doing anything aerating, scarifying or reseeding during the initial year. A full lawn maintenance plan can be completed after following years.
If you require professional turf laying, be sure to contact the professionals at Level Lawns & Landscaping…
Level Lawns & Landscaping
Wheatley Farm, London Rd, Rayleigh SS6 9ES
07874 243231